Union Power Hosts Virtual 81st Annual Meeting

November 10, 2020

The year 2020 has been unlike any other. People everywhere have had to adjust to the unusual circumstances the COVID-19 pandemic has ushered into our lives. This can also be said about this year’s 81st Annual Meeting, held virtually on Saturday, Oct. 10. It was quite unusual not to host the meeting in-person as we’ve done for many years. We missed all of the smiling faces of the members we’ve come to know and look forward to seeing each year, as we are sure many of you missed attending and taking part in the fun and fellowship we all enjoy.

Nonetheless, we’re very grateful for the commitment you have shown to our co-op’s future by voting for our board of directors and attending our virtual annual meeting.

It was business as usual, as we began our business meeting promptly at 9 a.m. with a welcome and a call to order by Board President Lee Roy Kirk, Jr. Following, Board Secretary-Treasurer Sherise Jones gave the financial report highlighting the co-op’s continued commitment to financial strength. Executive Vice President and General Manager Greg Andress also shared remarks about how the co-op has adapted throughout the pandemic to ensure we are able to maintain our operations and continue providing the reliable electricity and energy services our members have come to expect. Other information and co-op updates were also provided during the meeting. Check out a recap of the 81st Annual Meeting on the Union Power Cooperative YouTube Channel.