September Marks Annual Celebration for Driving Electric

September 20, 2021

National Drive Electric Week kicks off Sept. 25, and Union Power is joining this nationwide celebration to highlight the many benefits of driving electric.

Electric vehicles (EVs) have a lot to offer our member-consumers, including increased convenience and cost savings, decreased maintenance, and a better driving experience.

Today’s EVs offer near-instant torque, meaning fast acceleration and more response behind the wheel. There are sleek options to fit any driver, from sedans to SUVs. As for charge time, vehicles will vary depending on the brand and type of battery they have. Because they have fewer moving parts than gas-powered cars, they require less maintenance and no oil changes. Finally, they continue to become more affordable, especially when paired with rebates, tax incentives, and a low-interest loan available to cooperative members through the ElecTel Cooperative Federal Credit Union.

Union Power is taking steps to make it more convenient than ever to drive an electric vehicle. We are partnering with other electric cooperatives across North Carolina to build an electric vehicle charging network that allows EV drivers to easily travel throughout our state and to the communities co-ops are proud to call home.

If you’re considering driving electric, please contact one of our energy specialists at 704-289-3145,or visit for more information.

Check Out Our Electric Vehicle (EV) Calculator

Our Electric Vehicle Calculator is one of many resources that allow members to compare their gas-powered vehicles with various plug-in and hybrid EVs to understand the difference in monthly costs and savings. Members can access this feature by visiting the Energy Savings Calculator page on our website.