Important Update: 2020 Board Election and Annual Membership Meeting

September 1, 2020

Last month we announced that due to safety concerns related to the pandemic, there would be a change to the format of this year’s board election and annual meeting. There will be no in-person meeting this year, and the business portion of our annual meeting will be held virtually on Saturday, Oct. 10. Make plans to
join us virtually! More details on the business meeting will be mailed to you and will be available in the October issue of our newsletter. More information about this year’s board election and voting process can be found below.

2020 Board Election
The 2020 Union Power Cooperative Board Election will begin on Sept. 7 and end at 5 p.m. on Oct. 7. We have contracted a third party, Survey and Ballot Systems, to conduct this year’s election in advance of our annual meeting. Instead of in-person voting, members will be mailed an election packet and instructed to vote by either mailing in a paper ballot or casting their vote on a secure site online. Every member who votes will be placed into a drawing for door prizes.

Why should I vote?
Part of the value of being a member of Union Power Cooperative is the opportunity to participate in the annual election of our board of directors and choose our cooperative’s leadership.

When do I vote?
Voting will open Monday, Sept. 7, and close Wednesday, Oct. 7 at 5 p.m. EDT. Please follow the instructions for casting your vote included in the voting information packet.

How do I vote?
Members will receive a ballot by mail. Members who have shared an email address with the cooperative will also receive an electronic mail ballot.