Educators, Get Your Bright Ideas Ready!
March 27, 2021
It’s that time again! Union Powerkicks off its Bright Ideas Education Grant program and begins accepting applications from innovative educators for the 2021-22 school year on April 1. Teachers with ideas for creative classroom projects that bring learning to life can learn more and apply online at
Grants are available for projects across all grade levels and subject areas, and educators can apply for grant funding individually or as a team. Over the past year, the program has supported educators as they seek new ways to engage their students in modified classroom environments during the COVID-19 pandemic. Union Power will continue to provide resources to facilitate innovative learning no matter what the upcoming school year holds.
Applications will be accepted until Sept. 17. As an added incentive to apply early, educators who submit their applications by Aug. 15 will be entered into a drawing to receive a Visa gift card.
Since 1994, electric cooperatives in North Carolina, including Union Power, have partnered with K-12 teachers statewide to provide Bright Ideas grants for unique classroom projects that would not otherwise be funded. Over the program’s history, more than 2.7 million students across North Carolina have benefited from nearly 13,000 Bright Ideas-funded projects totaling more than $13.6 million.
The Bright Ideas grant program is part of our continued commitment to building a brighter future for the people, businesses, and communities we serve. In addition to ensuring reliable, affordable, and sustainable power, this vision emphasizes the importance of innovation and ongoing community support. Learn more at